With a wealth of experience, Statewide stands as a beacon of reliability and expertise in handling your electrical needs. Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, we ensure your project is completed accurately the first time. Trust us to bring our proficiency and commitment to your endeavors, making every aspect of your space shine brightly with safety, connectivity, and efficiency. Your journey to a brighter future starts with Statewide Electrical Contractors.
Years of Experience
Satisfaction Guarantee
Since our inception in 1996, we have consistently delivered outstanding results on multi-million-dollar government and private contracts spanning across multiple states.
Design Build
Virtual Building
Sustainable Building
Honesty, integrity, respect and a passion for engineering.
Fully Licensed & Insured
Statewide Electrical Contractors is your partner in creating safer, more connected environments. Beyond traditional services, we are dedicated to enhancing homes and businesses. From new constructions and renovations to service upgrades, landscape lighting, and maintenance, our projects meet safety standards, align with your schedule, and stay within budget. With extensive experience, we ensure your electrical needs are handled correctly from the outset.
Our approach is defined by precision and excellence, executing projects with meticulous attention to detail to meet and exceed safety standards. Your convenience is our priority, and we work diligently to align our schedule with yours, recognizing the importance of timely project completion. Our dedication to transparency ensures projects stay within budget, providing a streamlined and cost-effective experience.